Search Widget Sample Usage

Easy-to-use Google Geocoding Search Box & Woosmap Recommendation Javascript Widget
  1. Sample Use
  2. Embed in your page
  3. Sample Use Callbacks with Search Panel

This API has been deprecated and replaced with MultiSearch JavaScript Library.

Below you can see a sample usage of a Woosmap Search Widget displaying the recommended store along with the integration code.

Sample Use

Click attributes to search and select your Store

Woosmap Public Key. Test your own!

or reset to default public key

Embed in your page


Include it in the <head> section of your page. You could override it to match your style.

    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">



Add wherever you want to include your Search Recommendation Widget

        <div id="searchWidgetContainer"></div>
<script src=""></script>
    var callbackInitialRecommendedStore = function (store) {
        //called when an Initial Recommended Store is Found
    var callbackUserSelectedStore = function (store) {
        //called When a User Select a Store after a Geocoding Search
    var callbackDOMWidgetReady = function () {
       console.log('the DOM of widget is ready.');
    var widgetOptions = {
        woosmapKey: 'woos-27e715eb-6454-3019-95c1-XXXXXXXXXXX',
        callbackInitialRecommendedStore: callbackInitialRecommendedStore,
        callbackUserSelectedStore: callbackUserSelectedStore,
        callbackDOMWidgetReady: callbackDOMWidgetReady,
        userAllowedReco: true,
        usePlaces: true,
        google: {
            clientId: 'gme-mycompanyname'
        lang: 'fr',
        translations: {
            fr: {
                searchAroundMeBtn: 'Autour de moi',
                searchAroundMeTitle: 'Rechercher le centre à proximité'
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
        new wgs.searchwidget.RecommendationPlugin('#searchWidgetContainer', widgetOptions);


User Privacy and Automatic Recommendation

By default, the Widget will not save any user related information (UserID and Preferred Store) and will not perform any automatic recommendation. The Widget will let users search stores nearby an address or a geolocation and callback methods with returned results. If you want to use it with built-in Woosmap Automatic Recommendation, you can do it in two different ways.

    var woosmapRecoPlugin = null;
    var callbackDOMWidgetReady = function () {
    var widgetOptions = {
        woosmapKey: 'woos-27e715eb-6454-3019-95c1-XXXXXXXXXXX',
        userAllowedReco: false,
        callbackDOMWidgetReady: callbackDOMWidgetReady,
        google: {
            clientId: 'gme-mycompanyname'
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
        woosmapRecoPlugin = new wgs.searchwidget.RecommendationPlugin('#searchWidgetContainer', widgetOptions);


Here the allowUserReco() is called once the Widget is fully loaded in DOM (through callbackDOMWidgetReady). It could be good form to call it after a user action like a cookie consent button click. This method loads the recommendation.js file (if not already loaded), a lightweight Javascript library to deal with Woosmap Recommendation REST API, and call an initial user recommendation. Please refer to Recommendation Overview to see how it works.

Sample Use Callbacks with Search Panel

if you want to display by yourself the recommended store, set the parameter omitUIReco:true and use callbacks callbackInitialRecommendedStore and callbackUserSelectedStore as described in the below jsFiddle sample.