Autocomplete Fallback Widget Samples

Basic and Advanced sample hosted on jsFiddle to help you understand how to use the widget.
  1. Basic Demo
  2. Customizable Demo
  3. Localities Only

This API has been deprecated and replaced with MultiSearch JavaScript Library.

Here are 2 examples to help you integrate the widget on your side. Feel free to edit the source code on jsFiddle.

Basic Demo

Demo with all default parameters displaying results as JSON.

Customizable Demo

Here you can set custom parameters like the the fuzzy string matching ratio (minimum and breakpoint) to manage when the fallback to Google Places is triggered.

Localities Only

If you would like to deactivate the fallback between Woosmap Localities and Google Places, simply set the minRatio and breakpointRatio to 0.

        const config = {
  search: {
    minRatio: 0,
    breakpointRatio: 0
  woosmap: {
    projectKey: "woos-xxx",
  google: {
    apiKey: "AIzaxxxxx"